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Terms & Conditions

Enrolment Policies & Procedures

  • By enrolling into a class, you agree to The Dance Studio Terms & Conditions.

  • Enrolment into a class will be on a first come, first served basis. All classes have a maximum capacity. A waiting list is available if you miss out on the first intake.

  • Enrolments will automatically roll over each term for the calendar year. If you are not returning next term, please notify the office.

  • Previous enrolments do not carry over into the next year.

Teachers Policy

  • We The Dance Studio will provide a qualified teacher to our standards for each class.

  • We reservethe right to replace a teacher at any time without notice as a result of professional commitments.

  • Any issues regarding our teachers or classes may not be discussed before, during ot after class with the teacher and must be directed to the admin team via email at admin@thedancestudio.co.nz

Fee Policies & Procedures

  • All term fees are due by the start of term, unless an instalment plan has been arranged and approved prior with The Dance Studio Accountant.

  • Our 10% Earlybird discount is only available for those who pay prior to the end of the previous term, or prior to the term starting for Term 1. This is not available for payments being made via instalments. Any incorrect discounts taken off will be invoiced for remainder of fees owed.

  • The fees list is available from the website of the office. This provides full details about multi-class pachages and discounts.

  • Additional fees - Admin fee $20 per annum per family. - NZAMD examination fees to be advised on examination entry form. - End of year Concert fee (if participating in the concerts) up to $50 per family.

  • Fees that are unpaid on the last day of each term will be put in the hands of a debt collection agency and you will be liable for any additional costs associated with debt collection and recovery unless organised otherwise via our accountant.

  • Students with outstanding fees may be excludeed from concerts and exams.

Refund Policies & Procedures

  • We will refund any Term Fees paid for: - classes cancelled by The Dance Studio, only on the basis that there is no future make up class - classes missed if the timetable is changed and the student is unable to make the new time - classes missed if a student has an illness/injury and is no longer able to complete the term, providing the studio is informed immediately of the condition and a medical certficiate is provided.

  • To apply for a refund or credit: - email details to The Dance Studio as soon as possible. Please do not wait until the term is over to request a refund or credit for the term that has passed; once the term is finished, NO FURTHER REFUNDS OR CREDIT WILL BE APPROVED - We are able to offer credit to another term or sibling as long as it is pre-arranged.

  • We are unable to refund fees paid for: - refunds are not given for students who are absent fro class due to illness, injury or personal circumstnaces unless the student is absent for more than 3 consecutive weeks and the office has been notified via email - classes missed becuase the student changed their mind about wanting to do the class - classes missed due to holidays, if you forsee a period of absence due to planned holidays, please arrange with the studio at the beginning of term for the fees to be paid on a ‘pere class’ basis - classes misseed due to Public Holidays will not be refunded.

Class Attire & Uniform Policies

  • All exam students must purchase and wear the correct Dance Studio exam uniform by the start of term 2.

  • All non-exam students must wear appropriate dance clothing, TDS and IDCO shirts and shorts/leggings are recommended.

  • Apprroprriate dance shoes must be worn for all classes, no dancing in socks.

  • All students should bring their own water bottle to class. Due to health and safety regulations, The Dance Studio does not provide glasses.

Newsletter & Notice Board Procedures

  • Newsletters are sent out via email, pinned on our notice board and available to view on our website. It is the parents and student’s responsibility to read the notice board on a weekly basis and to read newsletters.

Health, Safety, Injury & Medical Policies & Procedures

  • The Dance Studio is not liable for personal injuries sustained or any loss of, or damage to, personal prroperty whilst on the premises.

  • The Dance Studio aims to provide a safe environment to reduce the risk of injury. It should be recognized by all students, parents/guardians that dance by its very nature carries a risk of injurry or accident.

  • It is the responsibility of the student, parents/guardians to notify the teacher in the even of an injury or medical condition prior to class.

  • A first aid kit is available to any student. We do not dispense pain relief or medication to any students.

  • The Dance Studio students are under superevision whilst in the class only. Teeacheers and staff are not responsible for students outside their allocated class time and children in waiting areas must be supervised.

  • For safety reasons, students must be collected from inside the building. It is the responsibility of the parent/gaurdian to ensureee theeir student does not wait outside thee building.

  • First safety- in the event of a fire, students are to follow their teacher’s instructions and walk to assemble in front of the building.

Class Attendance Policy

  • Regular class attendance is vital for studnts to develop and keep up with their syllabus work. Students must be punctual to classes to ensure they receive a complete warm up.

  • If you are going to be late or not able to attend your class a parent/caregiver needs to advise the office prior to class beginning.

Photography & Videoing Policies

  • Photography or videoing of students in class and at concerts is not permitted except by TDS staff. This is for the safety & well being of each individual student and to comply with the Privacy Act 2000 regulations.

  • Images or video footage of students may be used for marketing and website purposes. Please make the office aware if you do not wish for your child to appear in any photos or videos.

Examination Policies & Procedures

  • All syllabus Ballet, Jazz, Tap & Contemporary classes are taught with the intention that students will work towards sitting their examinations during the year. Students will be entered into examinations at the discretion of the teacher, in consultation with students and parents/caregivers. Examination fees are additional to term fees.

  • Students will be sitting exams in August and September. If you know you will be away during this time please let us know in advnaced so we can do our best to accommodate you.

Behavioural Expectations

  • All students are expected to show up on time for class each week with approprite attire.

  • Any damage done to The Dance Studio property will be the individuals financial responsibility. you will be required to pay for any repairs necessary as a result of the inciident.

  • All studetns and parents/caregivers must show respect towards the teahcer as all times during the class. If you are having ANY issues with your teacher please come and discuss with the Admin Team immediately.


  • Choreography for classes, performances and competitions remain the artistic and intellectual property of The Dance Studio and/or the syllabus providers. Choreography must not be copied or used without prior permission of The Dance Studio.

  • Students who leave the studio are not permitted to perform choreography that was developed specifically for them by The Dance Studio teachers as a solo or as part of a team/group without prior permission.

Privacy Act

  • Your enrolment collects personal information about students. Under the Privacy Act 1993 you are entitled to have access to, and request correction of, this information at any time. it is held at The Dance Studio premises at 15 Morningside Drive, Morningside, Auckland 1025, New Zealand.


  • The Dance Studio maintains the right to dismiss any student who breaches any of the stated Terms & Conditions, damages property or causes severe disruptions to any classes. This decision is at the discrertion of the Studio Directors.